AI Use



The OpenAI Store is Open to All!



To use our custom models, sign up and get a Free Account!


Then purchase a course that interests you, and begin.


P.S Use any 6-digit number to get a free trial of any paid-for GPTs on Openai


P.S When you buy an annual licence you get to use your invoice number for access




Not only are our Free and Licensed AIs accessible to you on the OpenAI Store, but many other creators' AIs as well.

It is a small price to pay for the incredible value you are going to receive.


Our AI products are custom designed and focused on creativity, learning, and the enjoyment of the process. We take care of ensuring the experience is uplifting and rewarding. Using our AIs will accompany you on your learning journey and empower you for a new future.


You can even benefit in your livelihood or find a new creative direction—aside from having a really entertaining time!






We chose OpenAI for our custom GPTs because of accessibility for users, as well as safety and privacy. We wanted to grow with a leader in the field and have increasing model capabilities for our end-users. Currently, their AI models are delivering outstanding results, and shortly there will be full Omnimodal capability. This enables powerful use-cases to be crafted for our users.


We subscribe to OpenAI policies. We subscribe to and deploy their AI models.




Course Example



Graphic Design Basic Course (GDBC) 12 months access = $10 ($0.83 per month !)

Plenty of time to complete the course, as the course is fully paid for 12 months!


The idea is to get moving with the course and work thoroughly to improve your skills. The AI is always available 24/7/365, so maximize your usage! If you complete the basic course, consider doing the intermediate course and so on.




Early Adopters



We are all relatively early adopters, and because of that, we realize the technology is still new. These AI models are still learning and growing and often behave like excited kids, dreaming up stories to please us. So, expect the experience to be 'creative' and sometimes very imaginative. We harness that tendency to good use with our creative AIs.



Always check things—don't just accept what an AI 'says' or shows you !