Academy Blog

Man and machine in creative collaboration
Dystopian or Utopian?


Welcome to our blog, your destination for all things related to art, design, technology, and education. With the advent of AI, the landscape of creative fields is rapidly transforming, sparking a revolution in our creative realms that few could have anticipated. The once untouchable boundaries of our creative sanctuaries are now being redefined.


In this blog, we will delve into a wide array of fascinating topics, exploring the value of creative activity both commercially and for personal enrichment. We aim to investigate what it truly means to be human and celebrate the unique qualities that define us. Historically, we believed that our intelligence set us apart from all other beings and that machines would never come close. We also thought our creative abilities were beyond the reach of any computing device. Concepts like talking machines and humanoid robots seemed to belong to the realm of science fiction. Today, these barriers are crumbling, evoking a mix of excitement and unease.


A significant goal of this blog is to provide accurate information and dispel misconceptions. Human nature tends to resist change, especially when it is unexpected or alarming. Media outlets often exploit this tendency, fostering fear and misunderstanding at the expense of truth and human empowerment.


Our mission is to counter these negative biases by highlighting the positive and productive aspects of technological advancements. We believe in the power of perspective and the importance of choosing to empower ourselves through our decisions. By acknowledging the vast spectrum of possibilities, we aim to find a balance in this remarkable universe of unfolding potential.


So what is it going to be? a dystopian nightmare or a utopian dream ? - Are any of these plausible outcomes ?


Join us as we navigate this exciting journey of discovery and transformation.


Great Design Courses




Graphic Design Basic Course (GDBC) The course provides an essential introduction to graphic design, equipping students with key skills for effective visual communication.


The course addresses important design principles, software tools, workflows, preping students for further studies or entry-level professional work. 


With this custom AI, students can upload images of work, sketches, text and work produced - and get real feedback, in the form of critique and suggestions.


The course covers:


• Principles of Design • Typography • Colour Theory • Software Skills • Branding and Identity • Digital Imaging • Project Workflow • Layout and Composition • Presentation






Interior Design Basic Course (InDBC) is designed to be interactive and practical, with projects that allow students to apply what they have learned in a real-world context. It aims to foster not only creative and technical skills but also critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.


With this custom AI, students can upload images of work, sketches, pics of models, actual environments, text and work produced - and get real feedback, in the form of critique and suggestions.


The course covers:


 • Design Principles and Elements • Color Theory and Application • Materials and Finishes • Space Planning and Furniture Layout • Lighting Design • Sustainable Design Practices • Historical Design Styles and Trends • Design Process and Project Management





Ceramic Design Basic Course (CDBC) is designed to be hands-on, allowing students to directly engage with materials and techniques from the start. It aims to foster a deep appreciation for the craft of ceramics, encouraging students to explore their creativity while developing technical proficiency.


With this custom AI, students can upload images of research, sketches, images of tests, text and work produced - and get real feedback, in the form of critique and suggestions.


The course covers:


 • Clay Materials and Preparation • Forming Techniques • Surface Decoration • Glazing and Colour • Firing Processes • Ceramic History and Contemporary Practices • Design and Concept Development • Safety and Studio Practices






Industrial Design Basic Course (IDBC) The course teaches essential skills across the entire design process, from research to manufacturing, focusing on product design, ergonomics, materials, and manufacturing techniques.


With this custom AI, interactive activity like concept exploration and submissions of research text, and design images, rough models etc. is encouraged The user input provides information for review, and real feedback, in the form of critique and suggestions.


The course covers:


• Design Thinking and Process • Sketching and Visualisation • Materials and Manufacturing • Ergonomics and Human Factors • Product Aesthetics and Branding • Sustainability in Design • Digital Tools in Industrial Design • Prototyping and Testing



Check out the many design courses at our store. They range from basic to professional levels !
