Academy Blog

Man and machine in creative collaboration
Dystopian or Utopian?


Welcome to our blog, your destination for all things related to art, design, technology, and education. With the advent of AI, the landscape of creative fields is rapidly transforming, sparking a revolution in our creative realms that few could have anticipated. The once untouchable boundaries of our creative sanctuaries are now being redefined.


In this blog, we will delve into a wide array of fascinating topics, exploring the value of creative activity both commercially and for personal enrichment. We aim to investigate what it truly means to be human and celebrate the unique qualities that define us. Historically, we believed that our intelligence set us apart from all other beings and that machines would never come close. We also thought our creative abilities were beyond the reach of any computing device. Concepts like talking machines and humanoid robots seemed to belong to the realm of science fiction. Today, these barriers are crumbling, evoking a mix of excitement and unease.


A significant goal of this blog is to provide accurate information and dispel misconceptions. Human nature tends to resist change, especially when it is unexpected or alarming. Media outlets often exploit this tendency, fostering fear and misunderstanding at the expense of truth and human empowerment.


Our mission is to counter these negative biases by highlighting the positive and productive aspects of technological advancements. We believe in the power of perspective and the importance of choosing to empower ourselves through our decisions. By acknowledging the vast spectrum of possibilities, we aim to find a balance in this remarkable universe of unfolding potential.


So what is it going to be? a dystopian nightmare or a utopian dream ? - Are any of these plausible outcomes ?


Join us as we navigate this exciting journey of discovery and transformation.

What is a GPT?


It is a type of AI, called a Generative Pretrained Transformer. It is a large language model pretrained on substantial data, that teaches these ai's to know so much. the company Openai has coined the name GPT, and launched the most widely adopted AI app called ChatGPT.



What is a Custom GPT?


It is a specially trained custom AI, built on proprietary data. This implies it is not a generic AI, but a specialised one. In our case our GPTs are focused on creative fields in Art and Design. We also focus on education and training, inviting anyone to experience doing creative things.


What is a LLM?

It is an abbreviation for 'Large Language Model', of which there are many, some proprietary some open source.


What is the capability?


The ai modesl we run with our custom GPTs are GPT-4, and DALL-E 3. Together these two AIs work in synergy, each bringing it's best capabilities to the table. GPT-4 is an LLM, DALL-E 3 is a Generative AI. Magic happens when these two powerful systems are deployed in tandem. Our custom GPTs leverage that synergy to great effect. Together these AIs can understand text language (many languages), computer code, lyrics, poetry, scientific literature etc. They can generate images in every conceivable style, and they have some understanding of what is in an image (semi-multimodal)



What is Multi-modality?


That is when an AI can understand many modalities, like written word (text), spoken words (audio), pictures (vision). Currently the mainstream AIs are text predominately, but fast changing to become multi-modal. The next version from Openai is GPT4o and is 'omnimodal', and it will be able to see via real-time video, listen via real-time audio, and have superior reasoning, image generation and text. Additionally it will operate on all devices, making this version the most powerful, as regards user features goes. The next release of GPT-5, is probably going to extend the multi-modal boundary much further.



An unusual type of mind


An AI is an unusual type of alternate mind. In the case of LLM's, it is strongly orientated towards language. So treat a GPT as if it is a 'person' which has intelligence like another person, and talking (writing) to it like you would to a colleague, advisor, or friend-respectfully. Not because you need to necessarily respect this mind in order to make progress in your conversation, but because it brings out the best in both of you!


This is early in the adoption of AI, so have some patience if things don't go as expected. There is much to consider as these AI's are tweaked, improved, and ostensibly 'made safe'. There is much talk about guard-rails, to ensure AI serves human interests. (that in itself is a tricky statement). Humans have a poor reputation when it comes to 'serving human interests'.



Current AIs


Current AIs (Feb 2024), are extremely powerful and capable, rivaling the most intelligent of our species. Even now the LLMs are showing remarkable abilities in many domains. As new, bigger and more refined models are developed and released, these capabilities will dramatically improve. 


SMARTT brand, under Lyrical Things, is currently using the latest and most powerful AI from Openai, that is the LLM GPT-4 version, plus the Dall-E 3. DALL-E 3 is a type of generative artificial intelligence, which generates images from text descriptions (prompts). The unique handshake between these two powerful ai's, gives the incredible results as seen using our Custom GPTs.

